(High blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, fatty liver)
Cardio-metabolic associated conditions include diabetes, elevated cholesterol, high blood pressure, central obesity, fatty liver, and Metabolic Syndrome. As a group they contribute to the leading causes of death in Canadian adults. Not surprisingly, research has shown that inflammation plays an important role in the development of cardio-metabolic diseases. The Healix Health physicians identify people who are at increased risk of cardio-metabolic illnesses by assessing inflammatory markers on blood work, as well as more extensive testing through specialty labs. We strive to reduce risk factors for cardio-metabolic disease using a Functional Medicine approach, employing modifications to diet and lifestyle aimed at reducing inflammation, and optimizing hormones.
Our success will be measured by our ability to prevent cardio-metabolic morbidity, rather than just treating established disease. Healix Health employs the latest advances in cholesterol testing and measuring markers for systemic inflammation to assess current cardiac status and future disease potential. The physicians then proactively address the factors promoting cardiac disease, ideally years before symptoms occur.